When released from prison, a man who expires his sentence receives $75. A man released on probation or parole receives $35. He is also given khakis, a white shirt, and a bus ticket, if he needs it, to anywhere in Tennessee. Many men have burned bridges to family members and friends and now have nowhere to turn. Employment possibilities are limited due to a lack of skills and a criminal record. Many become homeless, and others end up living with ex-felons and addicts. Too often, these men fall back into the same behaviors that landed them in prison.
Men of Valor’s Aftercare and Re-Entry program allows participants who are released into the discipleship academy to immediately overcome these daunting obstacles. The participants are picked up at the prison door by one of our staff or volunteers upon release. Men of Valor welcomes them into a home and provides for their basic needs: clothing, groceries, transportation, assistance in securing identification, and part-time employment during their first six months. The one-year program is aimed at giving these men the support, skills, and accountability they need to live independently and succeed in the community. Men who complete Men of Valor’s year-long Aftercare and Re-entry program, have a recidivism rate of below 15%.
Aftercare and Re-Entry programming includes:

Aftercare Program Working with the Homeless
- One-on-one mentoring
- Discipleship Classes
- Training in biblical values and morality
- Job Readiness Training
- Boundaries – Setting and Maintaining
- Attitude and Character Study
- The Voice of the Heart – Recovery
- Know Your Enemy
- Men’s Fraternity: The Journey to Authentic Manhood
- Marriage and parent training
- Addiction counseling (both individual and group)
- Food, clothing, transportation, legal and housing assistance
- 100% employment placement rate for aftercare participants
- Money management (budgeting, saving, goal setting, etc.)
- Community service activities
- Connection to local church congregations
To understand more about the challenges these men face, you can learn more about the problem.
Learn more about how to apply for residency at Valor Ridge.